Pasifika Support Navigator Referral

The Pasifika Navigator is a funded innovative response by the Rural Canterbury PHO to support General Practices teams.

The Pasifika Navigator is available to support Pasifika patients, enrolled in RCPHO General Practices, by enabling access to services and improved health outcomes.

The Pasifika Navigator can work in partnership with Whānau Ora Navigators and/or the Practice Support Navigators to achieve the best outcomes for patients and their families

Pasifika Support Navigator: Olivia Tusa


Pasifika Support Navigator Referral

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • If a child:

  • Patient Contact Details

  • Referrer Details

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  • * This information is required to submit this form. Thank you.

    It advisable prior to submission to print a copy of this referral for your clinical records